Discover Ways to Enhance Your Smile
Cosmetic dentistry, when you have a really nice smile, that builds their confidence and they become a different person. It can be drastic, it can be a complete makeover to something that they’ve always wanted to fix on one tooth. It really does bring out the confidence in the smile in them and they become a nicer person. That is one thing I’ve seen. As far as cosmetics, you know, the bleaching typical veneers, anything that we restore, we will restore it to the point where it’s gonna look good. And if it’s not gonna look good, even though the patient’s satisfied with it, if I’m not satisfied with it, we’ll go ahead and redo it.
This practice is set up to give the people the smile they wanted and that I’m very on the forefront of aesthetics and I’d like to know what they’re saying, what they want. And because of that, I know what I’m doing as far as what’s gonna look good on them. They may want big teeth. I’m not gonna give them big teeth if it doesn’t fit their face. I think it is something that I have been trained to see since the beginning, even in dental school.