Find Out How to Improve Your Smile With Veneers
Dental veneers are a wonderful thing in that we can transform a patient’s smile from what they were not satisfied with. We look into the smile line, smile zone, the shape of their face, the age of the patient, the gender, and try to find something that’s gonna be the best fit for them and the shade. A lot of them wanna go stark white, but it doesn’t fit them if their skin tone doesn’t bounce with it well. But we do a thorough analysis, and having an experienced eye at this point, I’m able to tell right away what kind of teeth that they would be happy with.
Dental veneers are basically just the front while you have your whole tooth behind it. And it changes the shape of the front while behind it, you still get to keep your natural teeth. It can be anywhere from no reduction of your natural teeth to mild reduction depending on how much of a defect you have to start with and how much we need to make it look perfect.